Through his books, Simon also takes his readers along for the ride across current affairs. The background of the events which Simon’s characters are involved in consists of the most burning phenomena on the political and social global scene: an Al Qaeda-like terrorist organisation and its global network, China’s emergence as a superpower, an under-age suicide in Gaza, the glamorous but bloodthirsty world of business.
Although Simon’s novels are classified as thrillers they inspire readers to deeper reflection. They are also a journey into the world of human feelings in search for answers to everyday questions. Ways of dealing with life’s challenges, a reflection on loneliness experienced even in the group of seemingly close people and the importance of friendship are amongst the more serious themes he tackles.
Simon’s novels are more complex than one could expect from thrillers and reflect the author’s multifaceted nature. A childhood in South Africa, Simon now lives in Arundel, West Sussex with is wife and children. He openly admits that his professional life has been “wobbly and bumpy” and that writing is much more to him than just another rung in his career’s ladder – it is the “paracetamol to the headache” of his past professional experiences.